If you’ve been keeping up to date with our blog posts, you’ve likely heard us recommend ordering from FuelSnap in several of our articles. We recommend this because our website guarantees the best prices when you order heating oil. But, we’ve never actually explained how to order oil. Well, in today’s blog post, I’ll be going over exactly that!
Step 1: Enter your Zip Code
The first thing that you do when you log onto the FuelSnap website is to enter your zip code. This will allow you to see what local dealers are in your area and what prices they are providing to you!
It’s also important to remember that you should enter the zip code of the area you live in. This is because some dealers have a different range of operations than others. So if you were to put in another local zip code that’s not yours, some dealers won’t be able to deliver to you!

Step 2: Select Your Dealer & Delivery Amount
After typing in your Zip Code you will be brought to another page that shows you your local dealers and their prices. All the dealers that show up on this page, are the dealers in your local area. They are all able to deliver to your area via the zip code that you entered into our FuelSnap page.
On this page, you can select a day of delivery and a price per gallon amount. Some dealers will offer special discounts on oil prices when you order more. For example, if I ordered 200 gallons from one of my local dealers, I could get a few cents per gallon off my order!
An important thing to note about ordering from Fuel Snap is that once you order oil, the price is locked. Meaning that if the price per gallon goes up or down, your order will not be affected. This can be both a good or bad thing depending on if the price increases or decreases.

Step 3: The Delivery Address & Tank Location
Probably the most important part of placing the order is the address and tank location. Filling out this information is crucial to ensure that you get your oil delivery. The delivery address will also help the dealer to know if they’re delivering to the correct house.
Additionally, make sure to include your email address and phone number as ways for the dealer to contact you. This is so that they can call to confirm with you, as well as to get in contact with you to schedule a tank inspection or to verify possibly incorrect information.

You can also mark your order with information on whether the tank is indoors or outdoors as well as the tank location at the home. Marking the tank’s location on your order will help the driver know exactly where to go so that they can start filling.
Final Step: Place Your Order
The last thing that you have to do to order oil, is to fill out the information on the checkout screen. Here, you can verify the amount of gallons that you want to put in the tank, the delivery date, the delivery address, and how you’ll pay.
On this screen, you will get a few possible alerts. An important one to note is that some dealers require a tank inspection. This normally consists of checking to make sure that the whistle works and make sure that there is no risk of a leak. Usually, it’s the delivery drive that does this. But once you get an inspection, you won’t have to get another one!

When you are ready to finalize your order, simply drag that slider to submit the order. You’ll then get an order confirmation email from both FuelSnap and the dealer. It will include everything that you need to know about the order. This also includes the dealer’s contact number, just in case you need to get in touch with the dealer!
Ordering from FuelSnap is simple and easy! All you have to do is follow the steps above and you’ll be able to order oil with no problem! Just make sure that all of the credentials that you are putting in are correct and ensure that you’re ordering the correct desired amount for your tanks.
You are also always more than welcome to give us a call and we’ll be happy to place an order with you over the phone! We can be reached at 203-456-1499 option 3, Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm EST.
Happy Heating,