With Christmas and New Year’s around the corner, December can be an expensive month, especially during peak heating oil season. Oftentimes during the holiday season, you have to buy Christmas Gifts, prepare for the annual family gathering, and get ready for your upcoming New Year’s parties. With the added stress and fear of running out of heating oil, it can be a lot for one person. So in this article, I’ll be giving you some tips and tricks on managing your heating oil so you don’t have to worry about running own during the busiest time of the year!
Come Up with a Financial Plan
Coming up with a budget for the month of December is the most important thing that you should do. By having a plan in mind that helps you understand where you’re spending your money will help you put some aside for heating oil. At the time of writing, heating oil prices are sitting around $2.99-$3.25 per gallon. Depending on how much your tank’s capacity is, this could cost you anywhere from several hundred dollars, to close to several thousand! However, if you’re a homeowner with a standard 275 or 330 gallon oil tank, then you shouldn’t have to spend more than a couple hundred.

It’s important that when you come up with a financial plan, that way you set money aside for heating oil. This will ensure that if your tank runs out if oil, you have the money to order some, rather than having your tank suddenly run empty and not have the money to order more oil. Having money set aside for heating oil will also help you ensure that you have enough for your other expenses in December.
Signing Up For Automatic Delivery
I should start off by saying that, I don’t typically recommend signing up for automatic delivery. However, if you’re the type of person who doesn’t like to think about when you need heating oil and when you’re going to run out, then automatic delivery is for you!
But there are some important things to note about automatic delivery. The most important note is the price. Automatic delivery tends to be a bit more expensive in the long term. But if money isn’t something you tend to worry about or if you like paying an additional charge for that peace of mind, then this is for you! You’ll no longer have to worry about when you need to order or when you’re going to run out, because your heating oil provider will handle that for you!
But that being said, you should still make sure that you have a functional tank monitor or gauge to ensure that you don’t run out and so that you can order oil in the event of an emergency. A float gauge or Smart Oil Gauge, would suffice.
Start Saving Ahead of Time
I might be a little late on this one, but planning your holiday spending several months in advance. This will not only be beneficial to help you save money on oil costs, but it can also be helpful for your other holiday expenses. By saving money in advance, you’re saving yourself the stress of wondering if you can afford ordering oil when you run out or even on your other December expenses.
Setting aside some money before heating oil season starts is a great way to prepare for when the prices get high as demand gets higher. Ensuring that you save this extra money is important to prepare for when prices increase due to high demand and to ensure you’re able to pay that amount in an emergency! This will also help you ensure that you have enough money to cover your holiday expenses as well!
Install a Smart Oil Gauge
One of the best ways to know when you need to order is with a Smart Oil Gauge. It not only tracks usage, but it will also tell you how much oil that you have in your tank! This will give you the peace of mind of knowing how much oil is in your tank. But it also allows you to order oil whenever you need it! All of this, in the pal of your hand!
With the Smart Oil Gauge app’s built in ability to allow you to order oil from the app, you’ll never have to worry about running out! With our built in FuelSnap feature, you’ll always be able to order oil at the tip of your fingers! Just make sure that you configure your gauge for the right tank size so that your gauge will be able to accurately tell you how much oil is in your tank!

The gauge can also send emails, texts and push notifications to alert you if you need to order oil, when you get a fill up and much more! Just make sure that you have all that information set up in the app prior to installing it onto the tank so that you can have the peace of mind while the gauge is installed onto the tank!
December is the most expensive month of the year. With both Christmas and New Years around the corner things are getting expensive. So it’s important to be prepare yourself for an increase in spending.
Getting a Smart Oil Gauge will help you monitor your heating oil to ensure that you don’t run out. While a financial plan will prepare you in the event that you’re low or run out. Setting aside money for heating oil prior will help prepare you for when you are getting low. But if you need a last minute Christmas Gift, feel free to order a Smart Oil Gauge!
You must prepare yourself for the busy months of the year. If you follow these guidelines and tips for being prepared, I’m sure that you’ll be able to be on top of your heating oil needs as well as being ready for the holidays!
Happy Heating,