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Moving into a house that has propane heat? Perhaps you’re thinking of switching to propane suppliers this heating oil season. If you are, then you’re likely wondering if renting or owning a propane tank is better. In this article, we’ll cover the pros and cons of each. But if you’re considering switching to propane, please …

If you’ve been keeping up to date with our blog posts, you’ve likely heard us recommend ordering from FuelSnap in several of our articles. We recommend this because our website guarantees the best prices when you order heating oil. But, we’ve never actually explained how to order oil. Well, in today’s blog post, I’ll be …

There are a variety of ways to heat your home. From electric heating to furnaces, there are a lot of different ways to heat your home! Some of the most popular heating systems consist of boilers and furnaces. But some electric heating systems have been growing in popularity recently. In today’s blog post, we will …

Heating Oil is still in full swing and as we continue to go through heating oil season, it’s important to ensure that your heating system is working properly. Your heating oil system is a key player in keeping your home warm during the winter. Although with rising prices in oil filling your tank might not …

It’s February! This means that it’s peak heating oil season! When you order your next delivery of oil, you might be wondering how much a full tank will last you during the winter months. A tank of heating oil will normally last you a couple of weeks. However, that is more of an average. In …

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