Winter Sales Event - Get $20 Off a New Smart Oil Gauge with code WINTER2025 - Shop Now

The newest addition to the family of Smart Oil Gauge devices is the Smart Oil Gauge Duo, and it is increasing in popularity. With the inclusion of the Duo, we have made a lot of changes to the device. If you have used both models of gauges, you can see some of them right off …

If you have a heating oil tank, you’ll want to know what the exact level is every once and a while. The Smart Oil Gauge will give you the tank’s readings right onto the gauge’s app on your phone. The sensor uses an ultrasonic sensor to measure how many gallons of oil are in the …

One of the best things that you can do for your oil tank is install a Smart Oil Gauge. It will alert you when your tank is running low on oil and when you need to buy some! Buying the gauge will also give you the freedom to buy oil whenever you need it. This …

What’s a Furnace Tune-Up?

Heating system maintenance is very important for keeping your system in tip-top shape. Annual maintenance is a great thing to do and it is not something you should forget about. But you’re likely wondering what a Furnace tune-up is. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing what it is and what to expect from it. …

In a home that uses oil heat, it’s important to know when you’re running low on oil so that you can order. Even if you pay the premium pricing for automatic delivery, you should still check to see how many gallons of heating oil are in your tank. To keep track of this, your tank …

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